Wondering if you can travel while pregnant?

11 Feb 2019

The holidays have come and gone but maybe you’d still like to do some traveling – well you can! You’re safe to travel up to week 36 of your pregnancy if you’re fit to.

If you love to see new places and explore the world (or even just the country), you’re free to do so for the most part of your pregnancy as long as you and your baby are healthy and not experiencing any complications. You can fly or drive as long as you do stretches in the airplane or in the car during the trip and maintain good circulation throughout your body.

Pregnant women often find the second trimester the best time to travel because it’s at this time when you’ve got more energy, your belly isn’t too big yet and you’re probably over the tiredness and nausea.

If you have any questions about flying while pregnant you can contact the airline you intent to use directly. They will have the full set of rules and regulations for you to consult. Sometimes a medical clearance is required for pregnant passengers carrying multiples and for women flying domestically within the last two weeks of pregnancy.

Traveling in developing countries poses a significant risk of picking up diseases. When traveling it is imperative to do research on your destination to find out if the area is facing any widespread illnesses. Countries that have recently been eradicated of any serious illnesses such as Ebola or the Zika Virus, for example, should be avoided until after birth – and even still, babies and young children should not visit these countries.

If you have any questions, discuss your travel plans with your medical professional to ensure the safety of you, your child or your unborn baby. Plans to travel don’t need to be put on hold while you’re pregnant; you can still be a jetsetter with your gorgeous preggy belly.