
Work safety for you and your baby

Do you know that you have the right to a safe working environment for you and your unborn baby? Yes, as a pregnant woman or even father-to-be, you have very specific legal rights regarding your workspace and the birth of your baby.

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Wondering if you can travel while pregnant?

The holidays have come and gone but maybe you’d still like to do some traveling – well you can! You’re safe to travel up to week 36 of your pregnancy if you’re fit to.

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Keep fit and fab – no gym membership necessary

Some people swear by hitting the gym and getting onto every machine and into every class available, but that’s not the only way to keep in shape during or after your pregnancy.

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How to find the right obstetrician:

Congratulations, you are pregnant! Realising that a very small human is growing inside of you is both an exciting and an overwhelming experience

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Colic – a parental nightmare

Colic can be a trying time in your baby’s first few months – and for parent’s too! While not every baby experiences the condition, that's not much comfort if you have a crying baby in your arms.

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Lead by example if you want your kids to be well-mannered

Well-mannered children to do not come about by chance – to raise a well-behaved and polite child you have to lead by example.

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Second-hand smoke can affect your baby’s health

Smoking poses a health risk to both smokers and non-smokers, and as such laws in South Africa have evolved to protect non-smokers.

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Too hot or too cold: Tips for dressing your baby

When dressing your baby, always remember that layers and clothes that breathe are your two best friends. There is no doubt that gauging the weather can be a challenge, but you may be even more concerned with the arrival of your new born baby.

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Burping your baby is an art you should master

Burping your baby is an important part of feeding because it while eating that they may swallow air, possibly get a tummy ache and need to burp.

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Your body after the birth

After-pains, bloody discharge and constipation are a few symptoms that you may experience after giving follow birth and they definitely aren't fun

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5 golden rules to follow when exercising while pregnant

For fitness fanatics, pregnancy may feel as if your exercising days are over but they don’t have to be!

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At what age will your toddler start making friends?

We all want our toddlers to make friends, playmates or buddies but at 18 months, playing alongside other children is all you can expect from your toddler at this age.

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You’re a mother now!

Congratulations, you are now a mother… Your baby is lying in your arms and you're probably counting his or her fingers and toes, examining your precious bundle from head to toe. Once you have given birth, the pain miraculously disappears and your body may have been taken over by a massive feeling of relief.

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What is morning sickness?

Anyone who's suffered from severe morning sickness will agree that the term ‘morning’ is a misnomer, since it's not just in the morning that nausea can strike.

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A dry night is a good night, but don’t rush the process

All parents want to go to sleep assured that their toddler will have a good, dry and restful night too. This, however, is not always the case

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Take some time for yourself, you won’t regret it

With a tiny bundle of joy at the centre of your universe it can be difficult to carve out time for yourself.

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7 fun crafts to do with your children

Did you know that by using household items, you can make a range of creative items and art pieces with your children?

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Don’t delay cleaning the doodoo in the diaper

Even parents of more than one kiddie could use some helpful hints when it comes to dirty nappies and how to handle them.

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Ensuring your food is safe is crucial for a healthy pregnancy

Food poisoning is awful at the best of times, but when you are pregnant, this common criminal can become dangerous for your baby.

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Chores teach more than how to help around the house

Chores are a great developmental tool to use with your child.

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