Breast is definitely best

4 Sep 2019

Breast is definitely best
Breastfeeding is the healthiest option for your baby: breast milk is easy to digest and contains all the right amounts of nutrients your baby needs during their first six months of life.

It is a great way to bond with your baby, too.  
During the first few days after you have given birth, your mammary glands will produce something called colostrum. This is the first form of milk that is produced from the breasts and is high in protein and antibodies. 
A few days later, your breasts should start producing more breast milk.
Your milk is filled with all the nutrients your baby needs for healthy cell- and tissue growth. It’s also full of antibodies that fight off bacteria, ward off infection, and prevent allergies.
Breastfeeding also stimulates healthy weight gain in your baby. For moms concerned about weight gain, rest assured that this is normal and is a good thing for your baby. Babies that have been breastfed learn to self-regulate their intake – stopping when they are satisfied.
Many new moms are concerned whether the shape and size of their breasts or nipples are right for breastfeeding, however, a mother’s body is a magical thing. The body, including the breasts, prepares for this all on its own. Although the amount of milk produced may differ, breasts, both big and small, typically produce the exact amount that your baby needs.
Breastfeeding does take patience, and will take a bit of time to get right and get used to.
Though breastfeeding may be natural, many new mothers find breastfeeding harder than expected. Both you and your baby have to adapt to this new regime. Your baby used to get “fed” through the placenta and umbilical cord, now they have to learn a whole new way of feeding.
Talk to your doctor or midwife when you go for your check-ups, even while you are still pregnant. This will help you prepare and put your mind at ease. There are also a number of antenatal classes that focus on breastfeeding that are available to moms-to-be. 
For most moms, it takes two to three weeks to get into the swing of things. From there, breastfeeding becomes easier and even enjoyable for both you and your baby.