Colic – a parental nightmare

5 Dec 2018

Colic can be a trying time in your baby’s first few months – and for parent’s too! While not every baby experiences the condition, that's not much comfort if you have a crying baby in your arms. Dealing with a colicky baby is rather difficult and you should not hesitate to ask friends or family for help.

Cuddlers have put together some information that can, hopefully, help you navigate through the colic maze a bit easier.

Colic is a condition involving repeated bouts of excessive crying and movements, which suggest stomach pain, but may be caused by a number of reasons. It usually starts when the baby is about three-weeks-old.

Contrary to popular belief, not all babies who cry excessively are suffering from the condition. Babies may cry due to overtiredness and overstimulation, among other reasons. According to WebMD, the symptoms of colic exhibit themselves in the form of crying for about three hours a day, for at least three days a week and for at least three weeks. These crying fits usually take place in the late afternoon or evening and are the only symptom of colic. Your baby’s eating habits, bowel movements and other functions should be perfectly normal.

Having your baby cry for hours at a time and not being able to help is can be painful and frustrating for you as the parent. If your baby begins to experience colic-like symptoms, you may want to try these tips and tricks:

• Try and avoid feeding your baby cow’s milk or other lactose products. Colic can be linked to lactose intolerant tendencies and being able to narrow the crying down to this cause will prove helpful for in the future.  

• Swaddle your baby and ensure that they are comfortable. Many colicky babies do tend to calm down once they feel comforted and protected in their parent's arms.

• BBC News reported that acupuncture or cranial osteopathy treatments can help. Ask your doctor for a recommendation for a respected practitioner.

Colic typically lasts three or four months, during which time you should ask for help and support when needed. Rest assured, however, that just like everything, this colic nightmare will come to an end and you should have a happy baby in no time. Should the crying persist, you should take your baby to the doctor for a check-up.