Keep playtime exciting for both you and your child.

7 May 2020

To your child, so much more seems magical, especially exciting things like toys and games. You were probably the same when you were little. Now you have long outgrown toys and games, but your little one desperately wants you to play with them. Sure, it may be fun the first few times, but after the 10th time of building the same puzzle, or the 100th time of reading the same book, things get a little monotonous and boring… but you don’t want to end up giving them too much screen time either.

Playtime is still extremely important for both you and your child. It helps your little one learn all sorts of skills, from language to muscle co-ordination, and it helps with bonding. Here’s how you can make playtime enjoyable for both of you.

Learn something new together

This is a great thing to try with toddler-age children – or children at any age, in fact! The list of possibilities is endless, though it still needs to be a child-friendly activity, of course.

You could try things like:

  • Learning to paint or draw together
  • Bake something you have never made before
  • Learn a new language together – young children are able to learn more than one language at a time, and very quickly, so don’t worry about them forgetting how to use their home language.


Turn errands and chores into games

Juggling baby, work and errands means you can’t do it all. But by turning chores into games you can kill two, if not three, birds with one stone. You are able to keep your child occupied, get all the daily duties done, and you can teach your child new things while doing so, like how to keep things neat, the basics of cooking such as stirring, mixing and measuring, and more.


Set limits

Your child needs to learn that life is not all about play. Taking some time out just for yourself does not make you a bad parent – taking a break is beneficial for you and your child. You get to take a break from building blocks and playing with dolls, and your child learns how to play on their own.

Consider setting time limits, that way you give both of you a sense of structure, and you are able to plan and balance your day as best as possible. It’s going to be challenging in the beginning, especially if your child is used to getting their own way with playtime, but it’s a great way to instil their skill of compromising.